Income Report – May, 2016
I’ve made it to the future!
Well, I can see the future at least. This month marks the first time dividends out shot all of my other incomes. Even the infamous cash back credit card that usually averages $25. That’s right I make money off my credit card. Proud of it.
In the future, my dividends will be my primary source of income so it’s nice to see when it’s the highest earning income stream in this income report. It can be done!
My Reality Check
If I want to reach financial independence or better yet BF (Boss Free) I need to step up my game. What the hell am I going to do with $55/mo? Oh, by the way, I made $55 this month. I may be able to dig a hobbit hole under a bridge and live off the dead fish from the oil runoff, but let’s be real. That’s a luxury only people with $60/mo can afford.
I NEED, HAVE, MUST find some additional ways to make extra money. My mother always said “follow your dreams”, so here I am following my dreams of eliminating 8-5. This is me saying screw you 8-5, I will beat you superficial social construct with your own time clock. Mwha Mwha I feel cool.
Some Glimmers of Hope
Lending Club continues to surprise me bringing in nearly $3 this month. It may not sound like a lot, but I only invested $300! That’s 1% a month or average 12% if you forget how many months are in a year. I sometimes forget what day it is. Thank goodness there’s an app for that.
Dividends, oh you beauties, outstanding job this month! That’s $25.01 in one month. Yes, other Dividend Bloggers made WAY more this month, but I put mine in pretty colors so it’s worth seeing. That’s cool right?
Google Adsense also made a showing this month. Let me tell you, I used to think Google Adsense was a shame. I’ve added it to a number of other affiliate sites in the past. Maybe there were crappy websites (OK, yes they absolutely were) but I made $0 to a few cents a year. A YEAR! I practically gave up on them. It’s like Melissa in 8th grade, I’ll do her homework on the off chance she’ll go out with me. She never did, but I kept doing it…..
Back to the point, Google Adsense came through with my best month ever at $8.89. Again, doesn’t seem like much, but it feels like I just climbed a mountain. I know it works, and more importantly, it proves people read this thing. There is a HUGE amount of satisfaction knowing that I’m not typing away, practicing my creative writing to random ghost of the internet. If there are ghost on the internet, I very much appreciate you and please keep reading.
Here is an infographic (because that’s totally my thing now) of my Income Report for May, 2016
What I accomplished this month
It was an awesome month because I’ve joined my first Master Mind, which sounds like a cult, but isn’t. In fact, I first heard the term while listening to Pat Flynn. So naturally I wanted to follow in his footsteps and join my own cult, sorry Master Mind.
Essentially the Master Mind is just a group of starting entrepreneurs that help each other out with challenges we all face. Creating good content, how to grow an audience, WTF is marketing and how to be someone worth reading about.
In short, it’s awesome and I’m creating some great stuff for you guys (yes, you reading this). Here are some things I’ve accomplished:
1. Set up my Mail Chimp Account. Now rather than an email from my Gmail account. I can keep a mailing list through MailChimp and send totally professional mailers. Plus it has an easy subscribe and unsubscribe button. I don’t spam, but don’t want to be a dick and send you emails you don’t want.
Actually right now, signup for my email list below. Do it, do it now. I’ll wait. I have like 7 awesome people currently but REALLY want to make it to 10. I keep low goals so I don’t cry at night. I only send out emails ONCE a month of my Income Reports. I’ll be cool, I promise.
2. Signed up to be a contributor to the stock news website. I’m somewhat following in the footsteps of Justin Feider, but so far I’ve just signed up. I still need to write my first article. Once I do, I share a link here. I’m both terrified and insanely excited!
3. Sent my first guest post email. That means I sent a blogger, who I really admire, an email asking if I could do a guest post. Let me tell you, I was so freaking nervous. I sat here for an hour looking over a 5 sentence email tweaking and critiquing every word. However the blogger loved the idea and I’m crafting the article with a sick infographic now. Let me know if YOU would be interested in collaborating together in the future? Yes, you reader.
My goals this month
1. Obviously, finish up my first every guest post and article submission for Seeking I keep asking myself, how do I make an article awesome. MORE INFOGRAPHICS comes to mind, right behind MORE COWBELL. No seriously, you guys are awesome and I’ll create some great content.
2. Get more active on Quora. It’s a question and answer platform if you’re not familiar with it (like Yahoo Answers). I’ve been answering some awesome dividend and general life questions and getting thousands of views and sweet feedback. Check out my Quora page.
3. My #1 goal this month is to increase traffic to Wallet Squirrel. I’m still blanking on how to do that right now so any ideas would be great. Seriously, any ideas would be awesome. I’m thinking of paying $5 on Fiverr so someone will stand on the side of the road for 30 minutes with a Wallet Squirrel sign. Too much, not enough?
What’s worked for you this month increasing traffic to your site or earning extra income?
Wallet Squirrel is a personal finance blog by best friends Andrew & Adam on how money works, building side-hustles, and the benefits of cleverly investing the profits. Featured on MSN Money, AOL Finance, and more!