6 Chinese Money Plant Benefits, Care and It’s Epic History!
6 Chinese Money Plant Benefits
These are the most widely known Chinese Money Plant benefits on the internet. The benefits apply to both money trees and money plants (more on the differences later). We’re not here to say if they’re right or wrong, but simply enjoy the lore around these fun plants!
1. Brings Prosperity and Wealth – Money plants are most widely known to bring good luck and wealth to the homeowners that take care of the plant. The healthier the plant, the greater prosperity it will generate!
When you give a clipping of your money plant to friends, it’s believed that you are giving your friends wealth and prosperity. The clipping will grow with little effort and bring great joy to whoever receives your generous gift.
On the other hand, some lore suggests a power to growing a money plant from clippings stolen from another homeowner. In this case, the thief will gain wealth while the previous homeowner will lose their wealth. It’s like stealing someone’s luck, so some homeowners are protective around their money plants.
2. Reduces Marital Problems – Whether it’s the calming nature of plants or the unique properties of this plant, money plants are known to minimize marital problems.
The five-leave patterns of money trees relate to the five fundamentals of Feng Shui, so many people associate the properties of money trees with the properties of Feng Shui. In this case, money trees kept in the southeast direction of the home help maintain peace and a healthy environment for marriage. This positive environment reduces bad luck, thus providing good fortune and wealth for your marriage.
3. Creates A Positive Environment – This is similar to #2, but we wanted to stress that you don’t need to be married to enjoy the positive environment that money plants create. Plants brighten the atmosphere of any room. Studies have shown that biophilia or viewing nature can positively impact people’s health, so having an actual plant in your home can only help create a more positive environment. You’ll feel calmer, happier and those feelings will lead to a more positive life!
4. Health Benefits – There are many myths around the health benefits of money plants in reducing stress, providing an atmosphere, and bringing calm. Often referred to as biophilia, viewing nature has many health benefits. Many hospitals are filled with photos of nature because it helps feel good and improves recovery.
PLEASE KNOW we’re speaking to the calming effect these plants have. Some plants considered money plants are, in fact, poisonous if ingested. Often they won’t kill you but will cause vomiting and illness symptoms if ingested by dogs, cats, or tiny humans. Check each species of the plant before bringing it into your home.
5. Purifies The Air – In 1989, NASA was involved with a study that tested plants’ ability to filter the air onboard space stations. It was a small study and contained a controlled environment, but the study showed that plants clean the air! Further studies showed that plants could help remove harmful gases in the air, which helps improve health. These studies created a surge of house plants during the 1990s.
Later, reviewers argued you would need hundreds of plants in your house to achieve the same level of air quality that the small NASA study achieved. However, if we take the benefits of money plants to heart, any in your home could improve your health and wallet!
6. Helps Fight Radiation In Your Home – Many people often forget a small amount of electromagnetic radiation radiates from the gadgets in our homes. From wifi, phones, TVs, and more, we’re bombarded with signals regularly. In most cases, these signals are harmless and nothing like standing next to a nuclear reactor. However, some people claim to have electromagnetic hypersensitivity and express symptoms such as headaches and sleep disorders when surrounded by these EMF fields.
Luckily money plants and other anti-radiator house plants help absorb these electromagnetic fields with no harm to the actual plant. You’ll see some people place their money plants by their computer, wifi router, and TV. Their money plants help protect them from the EMF radiation they may be hypersensitive to. Cool right!
Money Plant History Around Wealth
History around the Money Plant has several iterations, as any myth does, but all these myths agree that it started initially from the Money Tree. A petite Asian tree that, when its stems were intertwined, the tree would continue to grow in this pattern on its own.
The unique braided stem of the money tree stirred massive popularity and speculated many myths around its mysterious nature. Some of these myths connected the tree’s five-leaf pattern and the five fundamental Feng Shui elements (wood, water, fire, earth and metal), which symbolized good luck and good fortune. While other wives’ tales speculated, its leaves resembling the shape of paper money could bring wealth to the home.
Types of Money Plants
Numerous plants represent wealth and prosperity as wive’s tales have spread over the years, and it’s easy to get confused. We find it simpler to focus on the Money Tree, whose leaves are said to represent paper money, and the Money Plant, whose circular leaves are believed to represent coins.
Pilea Peperomioides (Chinese Money Plant)
Pilea Peperomiodies is the botanical name of what many consider the Chinese Money Plant due to its circular leaves resembled the leaves of the Money Tree but in the shape of coins. Other names for this plant include the coin plant, the friendship plant, the pancake plant, and the UFO plant.
This plant is excellent for beginners as it’s easy to care for, usually only grows 12 inches tall, and maintains beautiful dark green leaves to decorate any home!
The Chinese money plant creates lots of little offshoots to collect and give to friends. However, getting your hands on one can be difficult as not many nurseries keep this plant in stock. We’ve found the Chinese Money Plant on Amazon as the best option to start with a single plant.
Chinese Money Plant Care
To help your Chinese money plant care, beginner houseplant owners need to keep their money plant in a bright room but away from any harsh rays piercing through windows. Usually, watering once a week will be perfect in well-drained soil. A rule of thumb is the 2” of topsoil should be dry between waterings. Also, consider periodically rotating your plant so it’ll grow symmetrically.
To help gauge the health of your plant, here are a couple of guidelines.
Money Plant Leaves Turning Yellow
If your money plant leaves turn yellow, it’s likely due to overwatering, or your pot isn’t draining well. Your money plant roots could be waterlogged and may rot in the damp soil. Simply let your soil dry out before you water again, or if the problem continues, you may need to replace the soil.
Money Plant Leaves Curling, Drooping and Wrinkling
When your money plant leaves are curling, droopy or wrinkling, it’s likely thirsty for water. Think of it like a sponge wringing itself out to get every last drop of water stored. This plant needs lots of light, but direct light may be harsh and drying it out. Give the poor fellow a deep watering.
Give Money Plant Cutting To Friends
These plants are perfect for giving to friends as they produce lots of little offshoots that can be easily separated to place in a new pot. Simply find an offshoot on the edge of the massing and get enough of the offshoot that includes some roots with a clean sharp knife. Place the offshoot in a pot at least 2” wide and care for it as usual. Give it as a perfect gift to friends and wish them a good fortune!
Pachira Aquatica (Money Tree)
The Pachira Aquatica is the botanical name for the Money Tree and one of the most popular indoor houseplant trees. As we stated in the history of the money plant, the Money Tree and its mysterious ability to braid its stems are what started the myths bringing owners good luck and good fortune.
Another reason leading to its popularity is its easy care. The money tree needs little water (once a week), will grow in most pots, growing up to eight feet tall.
An exceptional little tree for people to start their house plant collection, the money tree will bring a little wealth to your life. We’ve found several retailers selling them online and found the Money Tree on Amazon one of the best places to start your money tree journey.
Money Tree Care
The money tree is easy to care for as it requires little water (usually once a week) and loves bright light while avoiding direct sunlight. To help grow the money tree, add fertilizer no more than once a month.
To help gauge the health of your plant, here are a couple of guidelines.
Money Tree Leaves Turning Yellow
If your money tree leaves turn yellow and fall off, it’s usually a sign of overwatering or a problem with the light. Remember, the money tree only needs water once a week, so if the soil is always wet, the roots may be waterlogged and leading to root rot. Let the soil dry completely before watering again, and feel free to prune any overly yellow leaves on the tree.
Overwatering is usually the problem, but it may be over or under-lighting. Make sure the tree is placed in a bright area of the house while avoiding direct light.
Money Tree Shriveled Leaves or Trunk
If the money tree has leaves shriveling up or its trunk becoming wrinkly, soft, or shriveled, the problem may be underwatering. Think of it like a sponge where the tree is trying to wring itself out for any last water storage. Use this as an indicator to give it a deep watering.
Wallet Squirrel is a personal finance blog by best friends Andrew & Adam on how money works, building side-hustles, and the benefits of cleverly investing the profits. Featured on MSN Money, AOL Finance, and more!