10 Creative Ways Millennials Are Donating To Charity For Tax Season
Now donating to charity looks differently to each generation. Gen Z does things differently than Millennials who do things differently than Baby Boomers. Each generation putting their own spin on clothing, movies, technology and even how they donate to charity. It’s no longer mailing money to the charities your parents supported, but rather an immersive experience of giving that entertains and excites donors.
Here is a list of 10 of the more creative ways millennials and newer generations are donating to nonprofits and charities.
1. Raffles for Experiences – Millennials are notoriously known for valuing experiences over stuff. Perhaps it’s because they can only afford tiny, efficiency apartments, but they are finding more opportunities to travel and explore more than any other generation. So charities and nonprofits have found creative ways to fundraise by raffling off experiences and vacations at fundraisers.
For example, Children’s Hospital Colorado for their big annual fundraiser raffled off a number of experiences including 7-night stay a Brando Resort, trips to Vegas, as well as VIP hotel stays in Vail for skiing. These go over far better than the traditional new bag of golf clubs. However what many millennials don’t know is that when you donate to a charity raffle, charity raffle tickets are not tax-deductible.
This has also been a popular alternative to wedding gifts for married couples. Many engaged couples have forgone the traditional wedding registry and instead request donations in their name. This helps support the couple’s favorite causes without needing to return the 3rd Instapot they’ll likely receive.
3. Bar/Restaurants Donating 1% to Charity – It’s not a secret that millennials love eating/drinking out. In fact, so much so their generation has spurred the term “foodie”. One who Instagram’s their favorite food trucks, food halls, and hole in the wall restaurants. Besides the food, restaurants are continuously looking for opportunities to set themselves apart and encourage new customers. Special events like “1% of All Revenue Going to Charity” is a huge draw for new customers and a nice way to support the community.
These are often only a single day or month but is enough to bring in a new crowd of millennials through the door and gain some much-wanted attention. Other local restaurants may promise to donate their marketing budgets to local charity organizations and community efforts. Either way, it’s marketing and millennials are here to support those efforts.
5. 5K, 10K and Marathons for Charity – Millennials are categorized to be born from 1981 to 1996, meaning that they range in age from 23 to 38. These are the ages, shortly after college, where people enter the real world and look for new fun ways to stay in shape. While there are numerous 5k, 10k and marathons to participate in. The races that support specific causes garner larger crowds and huge numbers for charity.
While most 5Ks only generate a couple of thousand dollars for charity. They help in other ways such as spreading the charity’s message, generating local buzz and creating engagement through the runners who train months for the event. Millennials are at the forefront of these events, helping support these races and the causes they support. It’s a symbiotic relationship, getting in shape and supporting a good cause.
So far they have over 20,000 volunteers knitting and crocheting items, and to date created over 1,000,000 afghans and clothing for people in need. This is a nice alternative for millennials with certain skills and not a lot of money.
7. Donate Hair – We all know someone with a long mane of hair, growing it for charity. These people are heroes. It may seem a bit odd, but hair is something in need just like blood. Donating hair is another way to donate to a charity that doesn’t require any money. A well-known organization that organizes these hair donations is “Wigs for Kids”.
If you’re considering donating your hair, here are some general guidelines. The hair must be at least 12-inches long, however, 15-inches is generally recommended. Then wrap the hair in a number of rubber bands (2-3 inches apart) and seal (dry) in a Ziploc bag. The hardest part is making sure the hair isn’t permed, color-treated or highlighted. Overall it’s pretty easy to donate hair.
Food is always in need. Why not help while emptying your apartment/house, and donate all the food otherwise going to waste. This is an easy way to donate to charity and receive help cleaning out your pantry.
9. Amazon Smile – Millennials shop online more than any other generation in history, and there is no bigger online retailer than Amazon. What most people don’t know is Amazon has its own charity service called Amazon Smile. A program that donates 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products (marked on Amazon) to charities of your choice. That’s 0.5% of Amazon’s profit they donate to your charity. You’re not paying any extra. It’s a passive way to donate to charity without spending any extra money. Just buy one of the “tens of millions” of products listed on Amazon that identify as “Amazon Smile eligible”.
If you’re interested in registering for Amazon Smile, know it’s free, and all that’s required is you to choose your favorite charity from over one million nonprofits listed on Amazon Smile. From then on, Amazon automatically donates 0.5% of your Amazon purchases to the charity you’ve chosen. As of February 2018, Amazon has donated over $80,000,000 to charity through its Amazon Smile program.
We admit it’s a pretty catchy game. In fact, we’re up 200 grains of rice and still playing instead of finishing this article….
Wallet Squirrel is a personal finance blog by best friends Andrew & Adam on how money works, building side-hustles, and the benefits of cleverly investing the profits. Featured on MSN Money, AOL Finance, and more!
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